Axolotl Roadkill
202 Seiten

Sind einige Stelle sprachlich und vom Vokabular her doch echt gut, war es eine Qual, sich durch diesen 200-Seiten-Orgasmus ohne Verschnaufpause zu prügeln. Wo es nie ein Absacken der Intensität gibt, bietet ein einziges durchgehendes Extrem einfach keinen Kontrast mehr zum Rest. Das macht das Lesen nicht spannend und abwechslungsreich, sondern einfach nur ätzend. Beeindruckend ist die Emotionalität, die der Text vermittelt, was bei mir aber weitgehend in einer Aggression gegen die Autorin mündete. Vom Polarisationspotential her 5 Sterne, von meinem persönlichen Lesegefühl her aber genau das Gegenteil.

Life, the Universe and Everything
240 Seiten

Yet another one from the "trilogy in five books". The plot is definitely getting weaker than in the ones before, yet Adam's writing is still as good, I suppose. Still, I wouldn't have expected that before, but I'm kind of fed up with his writing for now. I guess that's just because I've read him too much in too short of time. So before I get back to continuing the series, I'll grab some other authors first.

Looking for Alaska
256 Seiten

I would give this is a less-than-four-stars-but-definitely-more-than-three-stars rating. It's really close to fours stars though. After having read "The Fault In Our Stars", this is a little weaker. Still, the characters are interesting with a lot of personal stories to them. The story has got parts where I had to actually laugh while sitting alone in my room. A good sign. All in all an entertaining and easy read, with a few passages that make you pause and think.