The deeply reflective thought process of a young neurosurgeon who is faced with his own diagnosis of terminal lung cancer when his life was supposed to be just taking off.
This book really touched my. I could only read it in segments, to have some of the chapters sink in and also let my emotions come and go.
The writing itself was simply beautiful. Serious and thought-provoking, yet life-affirming and also happy in places where death usually overshadows everything else. Probably one out of every three paragraphs could simply be printed, framed and read over and over again.
Grand illnesses are supposed to be life-clarifying. Instead, I knew I was going to die -- but I'd known that before. My state of knowledge was the same, but my ability to make lunch plans had been shot to hell.
If I am being totally honest with myself, I think I have mostly avoided really thinking about death up to this point in my life. Maybe this book has not changed that completely, but it has definitely shone a light on a topic I have conveniently glanced over most of the time.
Wunderschön geschrieben und wirklich empfehlenswert. Wie man sich denken kann, ist es ein Buch, das einem zum Weinen bringt (wenn man es lässt). Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch lebensbejahend und anregend, zu reflektieren, was für Werte und Ziele man im Leben verfolgen möchte.