Sei kein Mann
160 Seiten

Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich mich einfach schon zu sehr für dieses Buch mit kritischer Männlichkeit beschäftigt habe oder es wirklich die Bahnhofsliteratur des Feldes ist. Ich hätte mir mehr Tiefe und weniger UK Statistiken gewünscht. Wahrscheinlich ein okayer Einstieg für alle, die wirklich komplett am Anfang dieser Reise sind, aber wer schon mehr als einen längeren Artikel zum Thema gelesen hat, wird sich wohl langweilen.

Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit
477 Seiten

After I finished it, I didn't liked this book at all. It confuses me, it gives you no break to get in one particulary character or story because it changes every two pages and it has no chapters or anything similiar to it. I like chapters, chapters give me goals for a night. I think every reader will agree with me that this is a challenging book. It doesn't like you and it doesn't care BUT it is still somehow worth it.

I noticed how I kept thinking about this small details, like the fact that the town is so young in the beginning that it hasn't a graveyard or the different magical events that I don't want to spoiler. It is not a mind blowing expierence, I never gasped loudly in the train because of an unbelievable revelation but it gives you small moments that somehow changed a little bit my world view. Not in a way that I could specifially point the changes out but still, I know they are there.

I know this sounds kind of elusive but so is the book.