A book that tells the story of Otto Wächter, former German governor in Poland, who tries to escape capture after 1945 on the Ratline, the famous escape route that helped many Nazis escape to South America in those days (thanks to the catholic church, of course). Unexpectly, Otto Wächter dies in Rome in 1949.
In fact, the book tells many stories: There is also the story of Horst von Wächter, Otto's son, who helps the author to research his father's life and tries to prove that his father was, in fact, a decent man and not guilty in the context of the Holocaust. There is also a love story between Otto and his wife Charlotte. Then there is the story of secret agents in Italy, both on the sides of the Americans and the soviets. And the story about Otto Wächter's final days and the question: Was this a natural death?
The book doesn't give definitive answers to all of these questions, but it tells the story very well. I expected more about the ratline itself (it is the title of the book after all), but I don't mind the unexpected turns the journey took, rather than re-iterating a generic story that I am already familiar with from other literature.
Would definitely recommend to anyone who is interested in stories about the moral and ethical embiguities that arise when researching a typical German family history.
A book that tells the story of Otto Wächter, former German governor in Poland, who tries to escape capture after 1945 on the Ratline, the famous escape route that helped many Nazis escape to South America in those days (thanks to the catholic church, of course). Unexpectly, Otto Wächter dies in Rome in 1949.
In fact, the book tells many stories: There is also the story of Horst von Wächter, Otto's son, who helps the author to research his father's life and tries to prove that his father was, in fact, a decent man and not guilty in the context of the Holocaust. There is also a love story between Otto and his wife Charlotte. Then there is the story of secret agents in Italy, both on the sides of the Americans and the soviets. And the story about Otto Wächter's final days and the question: Was this a natural death?
The book doesn't give definitive answers to all of these questions, but it tells the story very well. I expected more about the ratline itself (it is the title of the book after all), but I don't mind the unexpected turns the journey took, rather than re-iterating a generic story that I am already familiar with from other literature.
Would definitely recommend to anyone who is interested in stories about the moral and ethical embiguities that arise when researching a typical German family history.