Dafür hab ich jetzt echt lange gebraucht. Auch nicht immer easy zu lesen. Aber es lohnt sich total! Mal wieder ein Buch, während dem sehr viele meiner Sätze mit „Ich lese da grade ein voll interessantes Buch...“ anfangen.
A very good book about sleep. I have learned some shocking facts (basically, not getting enough sleeps makes you stupid, sick and die earlier) and some encouraging facts. I am always a person seeking the short-term motivation in things, so I am taking from this book that I want to take better care of my sleep -- not for some vague advantage in the distant future, but for the fact that I am more physically fit and mentally capable when I've had enough sleep. I now know about REM vs NREM sleep, a huge amount of studies that Walker has cited and some practical tips on how to improve sleeping habits. Good night.
(Read as part of our company's book club.)
Faszinierendes Buch über die Wichtigkeit von Schlaf für... so ziemlich Alles. Sehr zu empfehlen!