Obwohl ich die Serie kenne, verdammt spannend.
Und weiter geht's! Spannend und aufregend. Man zittert mit den charakteren mit, die man i zwischen ins Herz geschlossen hat .
Obwohl ich die Serie kenne, verdammt spannend.
Und weiter geht's! Spannend und aufregend. Man zittert mit den charakteren mit, die man i zwischen ins Herz geschlossen hat .
Spent a few weeks listening to the audio book. In one way to prepare for the upcoming season of the TV show, in the second way to finally continue with the original work. I had read book 1 and 4, but somehow left some gaps in between.
So, this was really good! Great characters, amazing dialog, well-crafted universe. Learned some new details here and there; the true and tragic story of Ser Jorah Mormont's lost love, just to name one.
Good to see that after years I can still get more and more invested in the story. To be honest though, I will probably never be able to remember the Targaryen family tree. Well, maybe after the next book.
Verdict: 37 hours well spent.