My Life As an Explorer (Classic Reprint)
294 Seiten

How To Burn Any Bridges You Have Built In Your Life [100% Speedrun]

Roald Amundsen beschreibt auf knapp 300 Seiten, wie er the GOAT der Polarregionen geworden ist, und außerdem warum jede Person, mit der er je zusammengearbeitet hat, suckt (besonders Umberto Nobile, und mit der Ausnahme von Frederic Cook oder Lincoln Ellsworth). Das Kapitel über Nobiles Verhalten auf der Norge ist so brutal, aber auch so witzig, dass es sich dafür allein eigentlich schon lohnt.

„Nobile thereupon burst into a tirade which revealed fully the schemes and ambitions which had been boiling in his mind from his first connection with the expedition. This emotional oration disclosed that he had from the very beginning harboured "illusions of greatness." His vanity, feeding upon his ambition, had built up in his own mind an idea of his importance in the matter, which bore no relation either to what he had been told by us when we employed him or to the plain facts of his written contract.“

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