This one didn't quite catch me like #2 did, but it was still a hell of a ride, especially in the second half of the book. Very curious for the next one!
Okay, wow, this book had me discussing and screaming at it a lot. People die. People nearly die. Some of those deaths I was not at all okay with.
Bull and Sam. And nearly Naomi. I swear I'd have stopped reading the book and the series if Naomi had died.
Discovering the background of the protomolecule, the history, the vast other worlds out there, and the threat was awesome. Seeing both personal and political interactions in the crisis in a closed-off environment, too. God this series is brilliant.
Irgendwie bin ich nicht mehr so richtig drin. Lag vielleicht an der Geschichte, die jetzt bereits durch (Spoiler!) Wurmlöcher führt, aber vielleicht auch am Hörbuch-Format.