Wind Will Rove
66 Seiten

Very nice scifi about an intergenerational conflict on a multi(think >100) generational spaceship, focussing on music, both the people keeping old music alive, and the younger people rejecting history. I liked the setting and world building and characters, but it fell a bit flat, all things considered. You can find it online here:

Starfish (Rifters, #1)
384 Seiten

Not my thing. Good solid characters, and the whole "living on the ground of the ocean evolving into something else was alright". The only part I really liked were the headcheese (erm, neural nets), and the fact somebody figured out which genetic side they'd take by asking one if it preferred Chess or Checkers. That was neat.

The Lathe of Heaven
176 Seiten

I liked the premise of one person (well. -ish) changing the world via dreams, inclusing heavy retroactive changes. I liked the characterisations, and the overall themes, even if the pacing was a bit off. I even agree with the (Taoist) philosophy shown behind it, but I don't like being shown philosophies forcefully in books, and this felt like it. Not even close to horrible Narnia levels, but … tending to a bit Philip-K-Dick style storytelling. Didn't enjoy the last third for that reason. A good book, for sure – but not close to my favourite Le Guin books.

Rocannon's World
144 Seiten

As opposed to most Le Guin books, this one did not work for me. Maybe I was too distracted by the different species on the planet, or the odd pacing, or … I don't know. The ending nearly raised the book to 3/5, but not quite.

Akata Witch (Akata Witch, #1)
349 Seiten

I definitely fell in love with this book. The only critique I can think of right now is that in the beginning the dialogue (and narration) felt a bit off, like it was more meant for the screen than for paper. But it's really really good regardless. This is how I like my fantasy. And also, finally somebody does four teenager teams right. Sunny and her friends are just lovely.

Ethan of Athos (Vorkosigan Saga, #3)
237 Seiten

Brilliant fun! Take this mostly horrible scifi concept of an all-female planet, reverse it to an all-male planet, then take it seriously. This poor protagonist doctor, sent out into the hostile and horrfyingly feminine universe, meets the brilliant Ellie Quinn of all people. It was SO MUCH FUN.
(Also, we get a gay happy end, in a way? Awwwww.)

485 Seiten

Woah. Unendlich viel besser als Ready Player One oder Epic. Richtig richtig gute und gruselige Fassung eines KI-gesteuerten RPGs, das Auswirkungen auf die echte Welt hat. Hnnng.