This was my first Ken Follett book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Filled with villains, bankers, politicians, and journalists in 70s London, loads of side characters and an evolving story spanning only one day it is so very vivid! Going to try other Follett books now.
Mehr, bitte!
Rias Geschichte in der Sphäre, in der sie Nummer 7 ist und eine großartige Zukunft vor sich hat, und … außerhalb, in der Wildnis und bei einem der Clans, gemeinsam mit den fünf anderen Fliehenden.
Rias Gruppe wird dezimiert (sogar eher im ursprünglichen Sinn), und nach einigen Nachforschungen in Jordans Chroniken verlassen drei der vier Überlebenden die Wildnis, um mehr in Erfahrung zu bringen. Bringt leider nicht so viel an Fakten, aber bringt Ria auf die richtigen Gedanken und sie beendet das Buch, wo sie es begann.
Oh boy did I enjoy myself! Written really well (if a bit heavy on the fancy words in the beginning). Really looking forward to the next books in the series.
It's long and slow and often tiresome, but still manages to be fun in places!
Horrid amounts of weirdly religious propaganda... Very similar to Narnia, only for adults.
I see why this is a classic - it has aged reasonably well, and seems to have given birth to many tropes and images we perceive as common ans well-known. I liked reading it, even if it was a bit stuffy.
I really really liked this book. It's very solid fantasy, it has its own plot, its characters are wonderful and not cliche and I very much want to read more of this. Sabriel as the new Abhorsen was a joy. One point less than perfect because … well, it does not feel quite perfect. Minor inconsistencies in language, some lazy plot points … but still. It's a really, really good fantasy book.