Well, that was fun, but less fun than I've had with most other Pratchett books, I think? It's about average for him, at most, which still makes this a very good book.
Yeah, Commander Vimes and little Sammy and another book (this one about Poo). Also, Goblins turn out not to be vermin. Surprise!
In the end it was horribly predictable, sometimes fun urban fantasy with angels and demons and stuff.
Well, popular culture sure spoiled this one, and everything it didn't get, the book's introduction did. Seriously, don't go spoiling plot points and character development in your introduction.
Whee! The good kind of Sci-fi!
Fantastic space opera, even more fun than the series. 4.5 stars for me, but I'm rounding up 'cause I'm feeling generous today and it was just so much immersive fun!