Gone (Gone, #1)
559 Seiten

To be quite honest I don't really know what to say about Gone. I read it about 2 weeks ago and I forgot almost everything that happened. And I think thay says quite a lot about a book. I think the main reason for that is the amount of action. There's too much happening in my opinion. What bugged me the most was how the characters acted. I kept thinking 'how would I have reacted at the age of 14?'. Well, definitely not like the characters of the book.

What I did like about the book was the idea itself and how the author thought about things that are often ignored like food and babies/little children who need someone to take care of them. The children in this book have to grow up and take responsibilities very fast so maybe that's why they behave in such a mature way.

I'm not sure if I liked it or not so I gave it 3 stars and I'm definitely reading the 2nd book. I hope I'll like that one more.

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